beBee background
Mandi Bahauddin
Rida Fatima

Rida Fatima

I'am a physical therapist by profession


Mandi Bahauddin, Mandi Bahāuddīn District


Services provided

I, Rida Fatima is a professional Physical Therapist, with experience of more than 3 years in independent and multidisciplinary teams, i consider my self in one of compitant and professional physical therapists. Now i want to polish and explore my skills by adding variety in my work experience around the globe.

Approximate rate: ₨600 per hour


I am practicing my skills since 2019, just after completing my professional degree and housejob. I have experience of multidisciplinary health centers and an independent practice as well. Collectively i have clinical experience of more than 3 years. 


I have done DPT, continuing MS( WHPT)

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